The Future is Temporary: Burnout, Precarity, and the Illusions of Academic Life

[A version of this paper was presented on Friday, April 14 at All of This is Temporary: A Conference on Class Consciousness and Popular Culture , held at Bowling Green State University, April 14-15, 2023]. "As production and distribution are restructured, so are nervous systems . . . . Capital follows you when you dream." Consciousness Deflation We started our conference with the words of a keen critic of contemporary culture, the late Mark Fisher, who in his 2016 talk which gives our little gathering its name, explores consciousness in the age of capitalist realism. Capitalist realism, the title of Fisher’s best selling 2009 book, is described by him as “a form of . . . consciousness deflation” which creates the sense that “capitalist social relations, capitalist conceptions, capitalist forms of subjectivity [are] calcified, inevitable, and impossible to eradicate.” These structures—both social and psychic—are seen as fixed and permanent, and without alternative. High...